Madden NFL 18: Story Mode Longshot, Play Now Live, MUT Squads

eos4gold Date: Nov/16/17 16:44:02 Views: 1722

In last year, there was a pretty big focus on Brett Favre in Madden 17. In this year, Madden 18 is kind of a big deal due to the amount of focus and prestige put on Tom Brady. This game give some shine to talented artists outside of the mainstream scope. Play each matchup to your specifications by selecting from three new Play Styles or play the best real world match ups each week in Play Now Live. It's no wonder that U4GM is a well-known madden mobile coins seller. 



Not every football player is perfect for every position on the field, just the same as not every star athlete from every era can excel when taken out of their comfort zone and placed into a different era. With the introduction of even more ways to play, coupled with your favorite modes, Madden Ultimate Team and Franchise, this is Madden like you've never seen before. EA decided to finally give Madden NFL a storyline mode after experimenting, Longshot. 


Whats New In Madden NFL 18

Madden NFL 18 features a new story mode and new ways to team up and play with friends: 

In Longshot, Madden NFL 18's new story mode, your decisions shape the journey of forgotten prospect Devin Wade in this football redemption story.


Play Now Live:

Play the best real-world NFL match ups: Take the field with your favorite team, or play the best weekly matchup using live updates containing the latest rosters, custom commentary, and up-to-date stats. Then continue your season all the way to the Super Bowl from Play Now.


Intruducing MUT Squads:

Dominate the Gridiron with your squad: Team up with friends in 3 vs. 3 online team play in Madden Ultimate Team. 


In addition to the above noted, including aslo other informations, such as All-New Play Styles, Target Passing, Coach Adjustments, Create your Dynasty and more, be sure to find more at here